Wednesday, May 16, 2012

Weight Loss and Botox/Fillers/Placenta In Islamic Perspective Forum

Timeless is having an event this Sun, 20th May, this time, we are focusing on Health; mainly focuses on weight loss management. Why most diets fail and why we choose hcg above anything else. How does hcg works? We will feature 3 patients who had done the programme with us, who are willing to share their experience with you. We also bring you to taste what hcg diet is like. I strongly encourage you to come and join us as this is a yearly event, don't miss it!
The second part of the event focuses on Beauty; treatment for wrinkle, sagging, acne, pigmentation and skin discoloration will be discussed. Latest medical advancement in skin problem management and medically effective proven skincare will be exposed. Hot topics such as botox, fillers and placenta treatment in Islam will be discussed with 3 experts in this area. Prohibited or Not Prohibited?? Let's hear what the experts have to say...So, do come and join us, I am sure your time spent will not put to waste.

Sunday, 20th May 2012, 8:30am-1pm at Conference Room Hotel Midah KL, register today RM150
Call us for info 0378808486....thank you!!

Friday, May 11, 2012

NONA MAGAZINE ISSUE MAY 2012: Obesiti Virus Segala Penyakit Kronik



Ibu merupakan insan yang penting di dalam keluarga. Setelah bergelar ibu, seseorang wanita itu akan memberikan sepenuh perhatian terhadap urusan rumah tangga. Peranan mereka cukup besar bukan sekadar menjadi tempat curahan kasih sayang, bahkan memastikan segala keperluan anak-anak dipenuhi. Lantas kerana kesibukan yang dilalui, ada kalanya mendorong si ibu mengabaikan kesihatan diri sendiri.

Seorang wanita akan sentiasa mengalami perubahan hormon dalam badan mereka. Dua hormon yang penting bagi wanita ialah hormon estrogen dan progesteron. Fungsi hormon estrogen ialah mengekalkan sifat kewanitaan seorang wanita, kesihatan jantung, tulang, memori otak, kesuburan dan keanjalan kulit.

Fungsi hormon progesteron pula ialah mengekalkan ciri kewanitaan, kesuburan, ketenangan emosi, kesihatan tulang, antikanser dan menstabilkan air dalam badan. Perubahan hormon berlaku setiap kali berlakunya kitaran haid, mengandung, selepas bersalin serta menopaus. Kaedah perancangan keluarga yang berasaskan hormon juga menyebabkan hormon tidak stabil di dalam badan. Perubahan hormon ini menyebabkan seorang wanita itu kerap mengalami masalah mengawal berat badan.


Menurut Pakar Perubatan, Dr. Nurhalina Azly Minhat, obesiti ialah keadaan apabila berat melebihi BMI 30 (Indeks Jisim Tubuh) (Formula Kiraan: BMI = berat (kg)/tinggi(m) x tinggi(m). Jika seorang ibu mempunyai BMI melebihi 30, risiko untuk mendapat penyakit kronik akan meningkat. Antara penyakit-penyakit kroniknya ialah serangan jantung, angin ahmar, tekanan darah tinggi, sakit lutut dan sendi, penyakit gout, kolesterol tinggi, kerosakan hati serta penyakit metabolik seperti kencing manis.

Apabila berat bertambah, lemak di dalam badan terkumpul bukan sahaja di bawah kulit namun di bahagian luar organ seperti jantung dan usus yang dikenali sebagai lemak visceral. Lemak visceral menyebabkan risiko serangan jantung. Paras kolesterol yang tinggi di dalam darah boleh menyebabkan saluran darah ke jantung dan otak tersumbat yang akhirnya menyebabkan serangan jantung dan angin ahmar.

Lemak yang berlebihan juga boleh menyebabkan kerosakan hati (fatty liver) di mana hati dipenuhi dengan lemak dan liver cirrhosis iaitu hati yang keras dan tidak berfungsi. Hati merupakan organ kumuh bagi lemak. Apabila berat semakin bertambah, sendi-sendi utama seperti lutut tidak dapat menampung berat dan mula mengalami sakit lutut. Obesiti yang berpunca daripada pemakanan yang tidak seimbang dan tiada senaman menyebabkan hormon endokrin yang tidak stabil.

Selepas makan makanan berkarbohidrat tinggi, paras gula meningkat secara mendadak. Organ pankreas akan mengeluarkan hormon insulin dengan banyak untuk mengawal gula dalam darah. Hormon insulin berfungsi memindahkan gula yang beredar di dalam darah ke dalam sel. Namun demikian, jika paras insulin sentiasa tinggi, badan akan mengalami insulin resistance iaitu suatu keadaan di mana insulin tidak dapat berfungsi dengan baik untuk menyimpan gula seterusnya meningkatkan paras gula dalam darah dikenali sebagai diabetes atau penyakit kencing manis.


Elakkan makan berlebihan serta mengambil makanan bergula dan berkanji seperti nasi putih, roti, tepung dan mi. Pilihlah beras basmati, beras perang dan roti serat tinggi. Lebihkan protein seperti dada ayam, daging tanpa lemak dan ikan. Lebihkan sayur-sayuran dan buah-buahan seperti epal, oren, jambu batu, limau bali dan beri. Pilih makanan yang mengandungi glisemik indeks rendah.

Hadkan jumlah makanan di atas pinggan. Hadkan nasi sebesar genggaman bagi setiap hidangan. Hadkan protein sebesar tapak tangan bagi setiap hidangan. Selebihnya, penuhkan pinggan dengan sayur-sayuran.

Kurangkan penggunaan minyak sewaktu memasak. Gunakan kaedah stim, bakar atau rebus sewaktu memasak.

Tukarkanlah gula kepada stevia iaitu sejenis daun yang rasanya manis.

Bersenamlah selang sehari, lebih kurang 10-30 minit.

Berpuasa dua kali seminggu membantu mengekalkan berat badan dan merehatkan usus seketika.

Rehat yang cukup. Ibu yang bekerja perlu mendapatkan rehat dan tidur secukupnya. Tidur yang terganggu juga akan menyebabkan ketidakstabilan hormon dan obesiti.

Jika anda mengalami masalah obesiti, berjumpalah doktor bagi mendapatkan rawatan. Rawatan HCG jika digabungkan dengan pemakanan berkalori rendah dapat menurunkan berat badan. Namun, rawatan ini memerlukan pemantauan doktor. Rawatan HCG bukan sahaja dapat mengurangkan lemak visceral, malah dapat menstabilkan hormon dari kelenjar pituitari.

Rawatan laser membantu mengeluarkan lemak dari sel lemak tanpa mematikan sel lemak tersebut. Pemilihan rawatan laser yang betul seperti kaedah 'Zerona' amat penting kerana kaedah lain seperti sedut lemak boleh menjadikan pengimbangan hormon menjadi huru-hara dan lemak berkumpul di tempat yang tidak diingini.

Thursday, May 10, 2012

Obagi Clenziderm : Skincare For Acne Prone

The CLENZIderm M.D.® system was conceived and brought to market for the treatment of acne and can be used on the face as well as the back or chest. The system contains 3 components: Cleanser, Pore Therapy, and Serum Gel. The system is designed to treat acne deep in the follicle, where the bacteria causing acne reside. The system components are used morning and night. Sun protection is not included in the system, so must be added separately.

You can control the pace of the treatment and comfort level by adjusting the amount of product applied and / or the frequency of application. As with any acne treatment, the purpose is to dry pimples, clean pores, and remove black heads and white heads. Use of the CLENZIderm M.D.® system will result in the skin feeling dry and irritated. It is normal to experience peeling of skin in the treated area. On the average, it may take 3 - 6 weeks to become accustom to use of the products and see a reduction in acne lesions.

Severe forms of acne may require medical evaluation and additional treatment. Use of CLENZIderm M.D.® is not a substitution for proper medical care and treatment. To reduce the risk of scarring associated with some forms of acne, it is recommended that you follow up with your medical provider if your acne is severe or leaving marks on your skin.

Treat Acne Where It Starts
The CLENZIderm M.D. Systems are the only prescription-strength acne treatment that contain a patented form of 5% benzoyl peroxide (BPO) to penetrate deep into the skin and treat acne where it starts.

The CLENZIderm M.D. Systems demonstrate greater penetration than other BPO-based treatments.

clenziderm how it works
The solubilized form of 5% BPO in the CLENZIderm M.D. Systems is 1/10,000 the size of any other BPO product available, so it can treat acne where it starts, at the root.

Product Details

The CLENZIderm M.D. Systems products are specially formulated to work together to provide optimal results. Ask your skin care specialist today which CLENZIderm M.D. System is right for you. Click on the products below to view details on the right.
CLENZIderm M.D. Daily Care Foaming Cleanser
CLENZIderm M.D. Daily Care Foaming Cleanser
Removes dirt and excess oil with 2% salicylic acid, leaving skin clean and refreshed. 2% Salicylic acid gently washes away dead skin cells to reveal healthier skin. Menthol cools and calms irritated skin.
CLENZIderm M.D. Pore Therapy
CLENZIderm M.D. Pore Therapy
Unclogs pores and clears dead skin cells while preparing skin to deeply absorb a liquified serum that targets acne at its source. 2% Salicylic acid eliminates residue on the skin and minimizes blemishes.
CLENZIderm M.D. Daily Care Cream Cleanser
CLENZIderm M.D. Daily Care Cream Cleanser
Gentle, nonsoap cleanser removes dirt and excess oil, leaving skin clean and soft.
CLENZIderm M.D. Therapeutic Lotion
CLENZIderm M.D. Therapeutic Lotion
Potent lotion delivers 5% benzoyl peroxide deep within the follicles where acne starts to significantly reduce acne-causing bacteria. 

The Results Are Clear
The CLENZIderm M.D. Systems provide a visibly clearer complexion in as little as 7 days.

Normal to Oily Skin

CLENZIDERM visible clearing 1 week
CLENZIDERM visible clearing 4 weeks

Photos have not been retouched. Results may vary.

Clear Skin Is as Easy as 1, 2, 3
Using the CLENZIderm M.D. System every day can reduce the visible signs of acne when used as directed.

CLENZIderm M.D. Normal to Oily Skin System

Daily Care Foaming Cleanser
  • Wet face with warm water.
  • Dispense a dime-sized amount of Daily Care Foaming Cleanser into the palm of hand.
  • Lather and gently massage Cleanser over entire face for at least 20 to 30 seconds; avoid getting Cleanser in eyes.
  • Rinse skin thoroughly and pat dry.
  • Wait 10 to 15 minutes to allow skin to dry completely before applying Pore Therapy.
Pore Therapy
  • Following Step 1, moisten a cotton ball or pad with Pore Therapy.
  • Apply Pore Therapy over entire face; avoid getting near eyes or in nose and mouth.
  • Allow Pore Therapy to air dry on skin—do not rinse off.
  • Make sure Pore Therapy has dried thoroughly.
Therapeutic Lotion
  • Apply 1 pump of Therapeutic Lotion to fingertips.
  • Apply evenly to entire face; avoid getting near eyes or in nose and mouth.
  • Wash hands after applying but do not wash medication off face.
  • People with sensitive skin may feel temporary tingling or stinging during the first week of usage, which can be minimized by reducing the frequency of application.
  • Therapeutic Lotion contains benzoyl peroxide, which may bleach hair or dye fabric.
  • Use once daily or as directed by a physician.

CLENZIderm M.D. Normal to Dry Skin System

Daily Care Cream Cleanser
  • Wet face with warm water.
  • Dispense a dime-sized amount of Daily Care Cream Cleanser into the palm of hand.
  • Gently massage Cleanser over entire face; avoid getting Cleanser in eyes.
  • Rinse skin thoroughly and pat dry.
  • Wait 10 minutes to allow skin to dry completely before applying Therapeutic Lotion.
Therapeutic Lotion
  • Apply 1 pump of Therapeutic Lotion to fingertips.
  • Apply evenly over entire face; avoid getting near eyes or in nose and mouth.
  • Wash hands after applying, but do not wash medication off face.
  • Allow Therapeutic Lotion to absorb completely before applying Therapeutic Moisturizer.
  • People with sensitive skin may feel temporary tingling or stinging during the first week of usage, which can be minimized by reducing the frequency of application.
  • Therapeutic Lotion contains benzoyl peroxide, which may bleach hair or dye fabric.
  • Use once daily or as directed by your physician.
Therapeutic Moisturizer
  • Apply with fingertips to face.
  • If going outside, use a sunscreen after Therapeutic Moisturizer.
  • Follow sunscreen directions for application.

Monday, May 7, 2012

Be Wise In Choosing Your Food: Guilty Pleasures

What more can I say? Picture speaks louder than words.........

The Wiser Choice

My post yesterday was about Guilty Pleasure. Most of you will say, what can we eat then?? So, this is the solution to your questions. Below are the Wiser Choice of Food. Remember, the most important thing in weight maintenance is portion control. Even if the choice of food is good, if eaten in larger quantities, it may also cause weight gain. Choose the right kind of food, portion controlled are your best answer to a healthy weight. Good luck!